Labels:bar | bulletin board | door | railing | reckoner | road | sky | stairs | stairway OCR: The rules 01 Tetris Max are easu to learn Oddl y-shaped blocks appear at the top of the playing area and drop toward the bottom When block hits the bottom of the playing area or another block it stop moving and new block appears at the top of the playing area While blocks are dropping. they may be moved left, paaow right or rotated counter -clockwise. (Use the "change ke ys menu option to set which keys perform which actions By J mani pulating a block i1 falls you control the place and orientation T land in The object of the game 9 to drop blocks 8O that they completely fill hor rizontal rows of the playing area + row is completely filled with no gaps between the block: all the blocks in that row disappear pue the block in the rows above drop down to take their place LPPO counte keus hove